Day 1

Published on by Cassidy Swanson

Today was a busy day. We got up early to get ready for our first game.

I just found out dad was to excited about the day that he forgot to take pictures.

We played at 11 in the morning and it was already 30 degrees. I was nervous at the kick off but I got into the game right away.

These boys are fast and they can sure pass the ball.

After our team settled down we got a goal. Our goalie who is a local girl did awesome.

We won our first game!!! 3-0

The rest of the day was spent getting photos taken with boys, juggling the ball and just hanging out.

We ended the day watching the our boys u 12 team play. The team from Argentina was amazing. They smoked our boys team 11-0. We found out that they are the top players from Argentina. Most of them will play professional one day.

We got back to the hotel and hung out with the girls. Dad went to a local grocery store to get snacks. We went to have dinner and I am realizing that they take forever to make rice and vegetables.

Bed time now. 2 games tomorrow so I need to get some rest.

I promise dad will take more pictures.

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Comment on this post
Congratulations on your win.<br /> <br /> It rained here this after noon, very windy and might snow during the night. Love you
Thinking of you today-hope the weather is perfect for playing.<br /> Love you!
The pictures in your head will be just perfect-can't wait to hear the stories.<br /> Play hard!
Sounds like a really exciting day! We'll look forward to the pictures tomorrow! Good luck with the two games tomorrow! Yeah and whoo hoo for your win today! Way to go team Spirit! You can do it! Love, Opa and Grandma OXOX